Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sila update latarbelakang Andrea Lucas di web/blog anda.

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Andrea Lucas bukan BEKAS PENGARAH BANK DUNIA (FORMER DIRECTOR OF WORLD BANK) tetapi…. Bekas Pengarah International Financial Coorporation (IFC) , Bank Dunia atau Former Director of International Financial Coorporation (IFC), World Bank. IFC adalah satu organisasi dibawah Bank Dunia (private sector branch of the World Bank). Ini supaya tidak mengelirukan orang ramai yang banyak mempromosikan Andrea dan Bank Dunia.

Berikut adalah info latarbelakang beliau

Juga sila lihat surat dari Bank Dunia dibawah

Anda boleh juga melawat website beliau di

I was born and raised in Vienna, Austria.

Early on my dream was to see the world and to experience life to the fullest. So, barely 18 years old, I left Austria and headed for Canada.

As a landed immigrant In Toronto I managed to overcome the early challenges of learning a new language and living in a strange city and soon my professional career took off.

I studied business administration and accounting at night while holding a full time job during the day.

My big opportunity came when my employer transferred me to San Juan, Puerto Rico to head the company’s branch office there. In San Juan I was able to continue my studies and obtained my Masters in Business Administration-Finance from Inter American University, as well as my CPA and CMC professional licenses.

Moving up the Corporate Ladder, I worked for Price Waterhouse as Senior Manager for a number of years until they transferred me from San Juan to Washington, D.C. Soon after, I landed a job with the World Bank as Director of the International Finance Corporation, the private sector branch of the World Bank. During the next decade I traveled extensively around the world, learning project development in developing nations and providing portfolio supervision to IFC investments. My work in over 90 different countries opened my eyes to the many cultural and ethnical differences among the peoples of this world and gave me insight and a deep appreciation of the plight of the truly poor.

When my job became more administrative and thus boring, I left the World Bank, earned a PMD from Harvard Business School and then started my own company so I could return to the field and make a difference. For the next fifteen years I built an organization that provided expertise in infrastructure and industrial project development to the governments of dozens of developing nations and to countless private industrial enterprises. I lived one year in China and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, managed the company’s operations out of Vienna, Austria in order to be able to take on restructuring projects in Eastern Europe.

After two decades overseas, I returned to the US where I enjoyed a period of semi-retirement, interrupted only by occasional real estate and personal development seminars. It was at one these seminars that a life-altering event occurred that changed my focus from being a business woman to being a mentor, author and successful communicator.

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